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Figure 10: Dome and telescope control interface.
If you notice that the dome goes to a position that is 180
off (in other words, you enter a GoTo
azimuth value of 90 and the dome rotates to 270), go back into the setup window and check
the “reversed” box (Fig 18).
If you have a mount capable of being controlled by ASCOM and it is connected, the scope
position will be listed here as well. Move the shutter to the azimuth the scope is set to, enter
this value in the window and press “Sync”. The scope and dome are now linked and will move
together if the “track” and “slave dome” boxes are checked. Note, because the telescope is
offset from the rotational axis and the dome axis, there may be times when the dome slit and
scope pointing don’t align. If you find this to be the case after a few slews, try adjusting the
GEM axis offset value either higher or lower until the scope points through the slit.
Setup and use of other software, such as TheSkyX, will follow the same basic protocol.