Copyright © 2012 NEXCOM International Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Appendix H: CAN Module Setup and Command
VMC 3000/4000 Series User Manual
Road Speed—Indicated vehicle velocity
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 205.2 km/h (0.0 to 127.5 mph)
#00 Speed Low Byte (SLB)
#01 Speed High Byte (SHB)
Cruise Control Status—State of the vehicle velocity control system
(active, not active), and system switch (on, off), for various system
operating modes.
Bit 8: cruise mode 1=active/0=not active
Bit 7: clutch switch 1=on/0=off
Bit 6: brake switch 1=on/0=off
Bit 5: accel switch 1=on/0=off
Bit 4: resume switch 1=on/0=off
Bit 3: coast switch 1=on/0=off
Bit 2: set switch 1=on/0=off
Bit 1: cruise control switch 1=on/0=off
Brake Stroke Status—Identifies the current state of the vehicle
foundation brakes.
Bit 8-5: Axle number 1 to 16 (represented as 0 to 15)
Bit 4-2: Brake status/Stroke adjustment
000 = OK
001 = Out of adjustment
010 = Delay brake return
011 = Brake pads worn
100 = Delayed brake application
101 = Reserved
110 = Error
111 = Not available
Bit 1: 1 = Left wheel, 0 = Right wheel
Percent Accelerator Pedal Position(PAPP)—Ratio of actual
accelerator pedal position to maximum pedal position.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 102.0%
PAPP= Data* 0.4
Total Fuel Used (Natural Gas)—Accumulated amount of fuel used
during vehicle operation.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 2 147 483 648 kg (0.0 to 4 724 464 025 lb)
#05 Engine Total Fuel used 0473 L / Bit gain , ETF1
#06 Engine Total Fuel used 0,473 L / Bit gain , ETF2
#07 Engine Total Fuel used 0,473 L / Bit gain , ETF3
#08 Engine Total Fuel used 0,473 L / Bit gain , ETF4
Fuel Level—Ratio of volume of fuel to the total volume of the
primary fuel storage container.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 127.5%
Fuel Level=FL * 0.5 %
Engine Speed (RPM)—Rotational velocity of crankshaft.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 16383.75 rpm
RPM= (RH*256+ RL)* 0.25
#10 RPM Low byte, RL
#11 RPM High byte, RH
Engine Oil Pressure(EOP)—Gage pressure of oil in engine
lubrication system as provided by oil pump.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 879.0 kPa (0.0 to 127.5 lbf/in2)
EOP=data * 3.45 KPA
Throttle Position(TP)—The position of the valve used to regulate the
supply of a fluid, usually air or fuel/air mixture, to an engine. 0%
represents no supply and 100% is full supply.
Maximum Range: 0.0 to 102.0%
TP= data * 0.4%