“Apply Changes” button needs to be pushed every time the settings are changed, so
that the changes can be sent to the controller.
After examining the damped vs. un-damped vibration levels, if the users find
some undesirable amplified resonance peak, that peak can be reduced by
enabling the optional notch filter. Check the “Enable Notch Filter” box,
specify the desired frequency and click on “Apply Changes” button. Note
that selecting this option can destabilize the controller depending upon the
notch frequency. Click the “Disable damping” button and reverse the
erroneous changes to return to stable work.
5.1.5 Options
The Options Tab allows the user to customize the controller and the
SmartTable-Util functionality to their requirement. It provides access to the
following: Auto-tuning
Enable the front panel switch: Uncheck this box to disable initiation of
auto-tuning process locally.
Low, Medium and High control loop gain margins: Specify the desired
percentage by which control loop gain has to be reduced at the end of
auto-tuning process. The gain stability margin and the control loop gain
determined by the controller have inverse relation. While lower loop gain
may be desired if the system is being used in an environment where the
payload is continuously changing, such lower gain will also result in
reduced damping performance. Data
Enable FFT averaging: Uncheck this box to cancel averaging by the
application. If this box is not checked, the application will collect un-
damped or damped vibration levels only once.
Number of averages: Specify the number of times un-damped damped
vibration levels have to be collected, and the FFT has to be averaged.
Monitoring & Diagnostics
Payload change detection: Uncheck this box to prevent the controller
from detecting changes in the Smart Table payload that might necessitate
tuning of control loop gains.
Feedback overload detection: Uncheck this box to prevent the controller
form monitoring the ambient vibration levels.