PLATINUM Series Controllers User’s Guide
Reference Section: Initialization Mode (INIt)
Update Firmware Revision (INIt > VER.U)
Select the Update Firmware Revision (VER.U) function. Note that updating the firmware will
reset the unit to factory defaults. To keep all configuration settings, save them before
installing new firmware.
The LED display shows ok? and requires confirmation. Confirm the firmware update. New
firmware will then be read from a thumb drive connected to the USB port.
Reset to Factory Default Parameters (INIt > F.dFt)
Select the Reset to Factory Default Parameters (F.dFt) function. The LED display shows ok?
and requires confirmation.
Confirm the parameter reset.
Password-Protect Initialization Mode Access (INIt > I.Pwd)
Select the Password Protect Initialization Mode Access (I.Pwd) function.
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
No – Do not require a password for INIt Mode (factory default)
yES – Require a password for INIt Mode; users will be prompted for this password
when selecting INIt
Select the indicated setting.
If yES, set the numeric password from the range 0000–9999.
Confirm the password.
Password-Protect Programming Mode Access (INIt > P.Pwd)
Select the Password Protect Programming Mode Access (P.Pwd) function.
Navigate to the desired setting. Settings include the following:
No – Do not require a password for PRoG Mode (factory default)
yES – Require a password for PRoG Mode; users will be prompted for this password
when selecting PRoG
Select the indicated setting.
If yES, set the numeric password from the range 0000–9999.
Confirm the password.