2.96 Commissioning and handover
Ensure the installation of this stove is completed in accordance with current National laws,
local codes, and Regulations in each country. All local regulations & any rules in force,
including those which refer to national and European standards,
must be
observed when
installing this product.
Ensure all parts are fitted in accordance with these instructions.
Check the soundness of door seals, castings and all joints.
On completion of the installation allow a suitable period for any fire cement and mortar to dry
out, before lighting the stove. Once the stove is under fire check all seals for soundness and
check that the flue is functioning correctly and that all products of combustion are vented
safely to atmosphere via the chimney terminal.
Check the operation of all air controls.
Carry out a final smoke draw test.
Warm the flue within inside the stove with a blowlamp or similar product, for approximately
10 minutes.
Place a smoke pellet on the centre of the grate. Ensure all air controls are fully open.
Close the stove door. The smoke emitted from the smoke pellet should now be drawn fully up
the flue and be seen to exit from the flue terminal.
Complete the test with all windows and doors closed within the room the stove is fitted.
If there are any extractor fans fitted in adjacent rooms the test must be repeated with the fans
switched on and running on maximum with interconnecting doors fully open and all external
windows and doors closed.
Check the effect of any ceiling fans that may be installed on their maximum setting.
If the smoke spillage test fails, re-check the flue system and room ventilation. Products of
combustion entering the room are potentially very dangerous and the stove must never be left
installed in this condition.
When the fault of the smoke test failure has been identified and rectified another smoke test
must be completed to ensure that no products of combustion enter the room and property.
Check the stove for smoke or fume spillage under normal use, light the stove and slowly
increase the temperature.
Complete the test with all windows and doors closed within the room the stove is fitted.
If there are any extractor fans fitted in adjacent rooms the test must be repeated with the fans
switched on and running on maximum and with interconnecting doors fully open and all
external doors and windows fully closed.
Check the effect of any ceiling fans that may be installed.
Ensure no products of combustion enter the room and property.
When the appliance reaches its normal operating temperature open the door and carry out a
spillage test with a smoke match or pellet around the door opening.
If spillage occurs allow the stove and chimney system to cool and re- check the flue system
and ventilation. This must be rectified to ensure safe operation of this stove before handing
over to the end user.
On the completion of the installation and commissioning ensure that the operating instructions
for the stove are left with the customer and user.
Explain to the user the safe operation of the appliance, use of controls and the importance of
using suitable fuels and never to exceed the maximum fuel load stated within these