Returns the status register.
The STA query returns the 8-bit status register. The status register indicates
when the instrument is unlocked (first bit) and when the data is available
(second bit). Since some commands require a wait before the data is avail-
able (e.g., FR1?), the user may wish to poll the instruments to determine
when to collect the data. Note: A serial poll of the instrument provides the
same information without generation of additional data ready messages.
The bits in the status register are arranged from right to left as shown below
(i.e., D0 is the rightmost bit). A value of 1 indicates the bit has been set, and a
value of 0 indicates the bit is clear. Format of the bits in the status register:
D0 - Unlock (sampled)
D1 - Data available
D2 - Synthesizer locked (sampled)
D3 - Multiplier locked (sampled)
D4 - Motor locked (sampled)
D5 - Latched master unlock
D6 - Reserved for calibration
D7 - Reserved for calibration
The master unlock bit (D5) will be cleared when the status register is read
with the STA? command. The master unlock will be set if the motor, multipli-
er, or synthesizer has been unlocked between the last and the current reading
of the status register.
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