The Model 3501 Optical Chopper may be programmed remotely by IEEE-488
interface. The Model 3501 supports the IEEE-488.1 (1978) interface standard,
and any computer that supports this interface may be used. A total of fifteen
commands are available that enable any front panel operation to be per-
formed remotely.
Before communicating with the chopper controller, set the IEEE-488 device
address. This parameter may be selected by pressing the Set key until the IEEE
LED is lit. Use the arrow keys to change the device address. The default device
address is 12. Use a standard IEEE-488 cable to connect the instrument to the
host computer.
The ACTive LED flashes whenever data is sent or received on the communica-
tions interface.
Line Terminators
For IEEE-488 operation, the correct line termination is line feed and EOI
('end or identify'). Generally, line terminations are set during the installation
of the IEEE-488 interface card. Consult the manufacturer's installation
instructions for details.
Command Syntax
Use ASCII characters to communicate with the Model 3501. Commands may
be issued either in upper or lower case.
Some commands can be used to set operating parameters, some commands
can be used to query operating parameters, and some commands can do
both. A command (e.g., WHL?) consists of a mnemonic (WHL) and a optional
suffix (?). The three letter mnemonic (WHL) specifies the parameter or action
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