Sleeping Mode
The device is on and in the
Sleeping period: Min Interval.
When the reportchange exceeds setting value or the state changes: send a data report according to Min
The device is on but not in
the network
First two mins: wake up every 15 seconds to send request.
After two mins: enter sleeping mode and wake up every 15 minutes to send request.
Note: Suggest to remove batteries if the device is not used.
Suggest to check device verification on gateway.
Low Voltage Warning
Low Voltage
5. Data Report
The device will immediately send a version packet report along with an uplink packet including occupied status and battery voltage.
The device sends data in the default configuration before any configuration is done.
Report Time
Maximum time: Max Interval = 1 hour
Minimum time: Min Interval = 1 hour
*The current voltage and occupied are detected every Min Interval
*if there is special custom shipment, the setting is changed according to customer requirements
Default Report Change:
Battery --- 0x01 (0.1V)
Default Occupancy Status:
Occupy status = 1
(Green indicator flashes once and sends a report)
Vacant status = 0
Default Delay setting:
IRDisableTime = 30s (Value must be greater than IRDisableTime
5 ,units: seconds)
IRDetectionTime = 5 min (Value must be greater than IRDetectionTime
The data transmission period of the device is subject to the programming configuration before shipment.
The interval between two reports must be the MinTime
The data parsing reported by the device is referenced by the Netvox LoRaWAN Application Command document and