Function Key
Press and hold for 5 seconds
Restore to factory setting / Turn off
The green indicator flashes for 20 times: success
The green indicator remains off: fail
Press once
The device is in the network: the green indicator flashes once and sends a report
The device is not in the network: the green indicator remains off
Sleeping Mode
The device is on and in the
Sleeping period: Min Interval.
When the reportchange exceeds setting value or the state changes: send a data
report according to Min Interval.
The device is on but not in
the network
First two mins: wake up every 15 seconds to send request.
After two mins: enter sleeping mode and wake up every 15 minutes to send
Note: Suggest to remove batteries if the device is not used.
Suggest to check device verification on gateway.
Low Voltage Warning
Low Voltage