[ENG] UniPing server solution v4/SMS & UniPing server solution v3, User guide -[USS] Where to Get a Document of a Firmware
[USS] Where to Get a Document of a Firmware Description?
[USS] Where to Get a Document of a Firmware Description?
A configuration and operation order with management interfaces of a device are provided in the
«Firmware Description»
. The documentation is updated according to the changes made to the firmware.
To find an actual version of
«Firmware Description»
on the manufacturer's web site
there is a need to:
Go to the page of a description of a necessary device:
UniPing server solution v3/SMS
UniPing server solution v3
Go to the section «Documentation and Files»:
Go to the link
«Firmware description
DKSF 70.5 IU»:
A version in the document «Firmware Description» must coincide with a firmware version of your device, i.e. the
first two digits in the name of a document with a firmware description must be the same as the first two digits
in a firmware name of your device.