Change the MTU size.........................................................................41
Chapter 4 Optimize Performance
Use Dynamic QoS to optimize Internet traffic management........44
Enable Dynamic QoS.....................................................................44
Enable or disable the automatic QoS database update...........45
Manually update the Dynamic QoS database............................45
Improve network connections with Universal Plug and Play........46
Wi-Fi Multimedia Quality of Service.................................................47
Chapter 5 Control Access to the Internet
Enable Circle With Disney.................................................................50
Enable Circle With Disney on your router.......................................51
Enable Circle with Disney using the Nighthawk app.....................52
Enable access control to allow or block access to the Internet....52
Use keywords to block Internet sites...............................................54
Block services from the Internet.......................................................56
Delete keywords from the blocked list............................................57
Prevent blocking on a trusted computer.........................................57
Manage network access control lists...............................................58
Schedule when to block Internet sites and services......................59
Set up security event email notifications.........................................60
Chapter 6 Share USB Storage Devices Attached to the Router
USB device requirements..................................................................63
Connect a USB storage device to the router..................................63
Access a storage device connected to the router from a
Windows-based computer................................................................64
Map a USB device to a Windows network drive.............................64
Access a storage device that is connected to the router from a
Back up Windows-based computers with ReadySHARE Vault.....66
Back up Mac computers with Time Machine..................................66
Set up a USB hard drive on a Mac...............................................67
Prepare to back up a large amount of data................................68
Use Time Machine to back up onto a USB hard disk................68
Enable FTP access within your network...........................................70
View network folders on a storage device......................................70
Add a network folder on a USB storage device.............................71
Edit a network folder on a USB storage device..............................72
Safely remove a USB storage device...............................................73
Nighthawk X6 AC3000 Tri-Band WiFi Router