FS700TS Hardware Installation Guide
v1.0, September 2007
Press firmly to ensure the module seats into the connector.
Installing Device as Stand-alone or Stack Master
The device can operate as a stand-alone device, or part of a stack. By default the device is in stack
mode. Changing the mode is possible through the switch’s web page once the device has been
booted and is operational.
The default port for connecting the devices in a stack is the Gigabit copper port. The fiber port can
also be used for stacking. Enabling the fiber port to be used for stacking, is through the switch’s
web page once the device has been booted and is operational.
There are two stacking topologies supported by the device, the Ring topology or Chain topology.
The device is “Plug and Play” in terms of stacking connection and configuration. Before powering
up the device, connect the devices into the required stacking topology. The Stacking Master and
slave designations are configured through automatic discovery. Manually changing the stacking
configuration is through switch’s web page once the device has been booted and is operational.
For more information on stacking see the
FS700TS Smart Switch User Guide
Figure 2-3