10 GigaBit iBypass Switch with Heartbeat
2. Slide the iBypass Switch into one of the slots and secure the device by
tightening the thumb screws.
3. Make sure that the rack is properly grounded.
Connect Power to the iBypass Switch
For power fault protection, the iBypass Switch has redundant power supplies.
The second power supply is available to support the flow of traffic to the moni
toring device in the event that the first power supply becomes unavailable. If the
first power supply is unavailable, the second power supply provides all power for
the iBypass Switch. Even if no power is available to the passive iBypass Switch,
network traffic flows uninterrupted.
Figure 4: Connecting dual power supplies
Connect the power supplies to the back of the unit. If you plan to use redundant
power, make sure that you connect the power supplies to two separate, independent
power sources. The unit should now have one or both front panel Power LEDs illu-
minated, depending on whether you used one power cable or two.