Link set to Momentary ( Can be used with Radio
Keys or Alarm Devices)
Application 1. PIRs and Reed Switch used in
normal alarm operation.
Use this application if you simply wish to add
alarm device to your control panel.
For Alarm Devices with the Inhibit input "High"
or left open.
The Relay will pulse on for 2 seconds every
time a valid code is received from any of the
programmed devices (PIR or Reed Switch)
when they Alarm.
Application 2. PIRs and Reed Switches Alarm
operation with Inhibit.
Use this special application if you need to inhibit
the alarm relay at certain times
For Alarm Devices with the Inhibit input switching
between "High" and "Low" (less than 1 Volt)
Whilst the Input is "High" the Relay will pulse on
for 2 seconds every time a valid code is received
from any of the programmed devices (PIR or Reed
Switches) when they alarm.
When the Input is changed to "Low" then all
Alarms will be ignored from the programmed
Only use this feature if you specifi cally wish to
ignore alarms from devices.
Application 3. Radio Key Simple Pulsing Relay
Use this application if you want a simple pulsing
output with a Radio Key. Only the "ON" button on
the Radio Key will pulse the Relay.
For Radio Keys with the Inhibit input "High" or
left open.
Every time the "ON" button is pressed on the
Radio Key the Relay will pulse, pressing the
"OFF" button whilst the Inhibit is "High" will not
pulse the relay.
Application 4. Control Panel Arming using an
Armed/Disarmed output from the Panel.
Use this application for correctly Arming and
Disarming a Control Panel using the ON and
OFF buttons on a Radio Key as long as there
is an Armed/Disarmed Output from the Control
panel which can be wired into the Inhibit Input
on the Standalone Receiver.
When the Panel is Armed the Inhibit Input will
require a "LOW" or less than 1 Volt and when the
Panel is Disarmed the Inhibit Input will require
a "HIGH" or greater than 4 Volts. When wired
correctly the Relay output will do the following;
With the Panel Disarmed (Inhibit Input "High")
pressing the "OFF" button will have no effect,
pressing the "ON" button will pulse the Relay
output which can be used to Arm the Control
With the Control Panel Armed ( Inhibit Input
"Low) pressing the "ON" button will have no effect,
pressing the "OFF" button will pulse the Relay
which can be used to Disarm the Control Panel.