D I R E C T C O N N E C T 4 H E A V Y D U T Y - V E R S I O N 1 . 0
M A R C H , 2 0 0 4
Copyright 2004 - Neptune Systems
All rights reserved
1. Introduction
The Direct Connect 4 Heavy Duty (DC4HD) allows the AquaController to directly switch up to 4 120V
outlets. Each of the four outlets in the box can switch 12 Amps at 120 V AC. The total sum of all the current
draw of the DC4 must be less than 15 Amps.
2. Installation
The DC4HD should be screwed onto a wall or cabinet in a dry location so that water damage is not
possible. It is recommended that you follow these guidelines:
Mount the DC4HD above the water line of your tank.
Be sure to have drip loops on all cords plugging to the DC4HD.
Plug the DC4HD into a Ground Fault Interrupter Circuit (GFIC).
Refer to the figure below for the positions of the connectors on the digital control box:
X-10 In
X-10 Out
Outputs (Output 1-4)
The outlets are numbered as shown in the diagram on the top face of the DC4 below. Each outlet’s
current is limited to 12 Amps and sum of the 4 outlet’s current may not exceed 15 Amps.