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Tel: +44 (0) 2071 250 236 - Fax: +44 (0) 2071 250 267 - E-mail: contact_uk@neomitis.com
Creating innovative solutions for ambient comfort
Display disappears on programmer:
- Check fused spur supply.
Heating does not come on:
- If the CH Indicator light is on then it is unlikely to be a fault with the pro-
- If CH indicator light is NOT ON then check programme then try BOOST
as this should operate in any position.
- Check that your room thermostat is calling for heat.
- Check that the boiler is on.
- Check that your pump is working.
Hot water does not come on:
- If the HW Indicator light is on then it is unlikely to be a fault with the pro-
- If HW indicator light is NOT ON then check programme then try BOOST as
this should operate in any position.
- Check that your Cylinder thermostat is calling for heat.
- Check that the boiler is on.
- Check that your pump is working.
If the problem persists contact your installer
Note: If Service due soon or service due appears in display please contact
your landlord.
...an Explanation for Householders.
Programmers allow you to set ‘On’
and ‘Off’ time periods. Some mo-
dels switch the central heating
and domestic hot water on and
off at the same time, while others
allow the domestic hot water and
heating to come on and go off at
different times. Set the ‘On’ and
‘Off’ time periods to suit your own
lifestyle. On some programmers
you must also set whether you want the heating and hot water to run
continuously, run under the chosen ‘On’ and ‘Off’ heating periods, or
be permanently off. The time on the programmer must be correct. Some
types have to be adjusted in spring and autumn at the changes between
Greenwich Mean Time and British Summer Time. You may be able to
temporarily adjust the heating programme, for example, ‘Advance’, or
‘Boost’. These are explained in the manufacturer’s instructions. The hea-
ting will not work if the room thermostat has switched the heating off. And,
if you have a hot-water cylinder, the water heating will not work if the
cylinder thermostat detects that the hot water has reached the correct
Please refer to the installing instructions for any informations about stan-
dards and product environment.