Switch to video
Switch to video recorder by selecting this option.
My files
View the saved pictures.
Select the size for capturing picture.
Contain „Off“, „I shot“ and „Burst shot“ options, it will
capture 9 images every time if you select the last option.
Take a picture of yours by yourself.
Scene mode
Select pre-defined settings for the current environment.
White balance
Set light condition.
Turn the flash „on“/“off“, or select „auto“ to consider by
phone self.
Effect settings
Select the effect of photo display.
Camera settings
Set Image quality, shutter sound, storage, EV, banding
and Restore default.
6.6.2 Image viewer
Pictures taken can be accessed quickly in Image viewer. Select Options for available
options while viewing pictures.
Browse the pictures saved here.
Image information
You can browse the detailed photo information here.
Browse style
Select List style or Matrix style.
Set the photo as wallpaper, screen saver, power on
display, power off display or associate picture in phone
book. You can also send it through MMS, Bluetooth and
Rename the picture.
Delete the picture.
Delete all files
Delete all the pictures saved here.
Sort by
Sort the pictures by name, type, time, size or none.
Set the storage location of the picture.
6.6.3 Photo Editor
1. Photo Artist
You can edit the pictures stored on your phone memory card.
1. Select Photo artist and locate an image file.
2. Select Auto resize for more options. Select Main LCD clip to clip the image file by
pressing up and down.