Zhejiang Neoden Technology Co., Ltd
brightness reason)
Feed test: feeding component, this is used to test if the feeder works normally.
Size measurement: after setting the pick position and pick height and selecting the nozzle, click the button “size
measurement”, the machine will measure the length and width of component automatically. If the size is correct, click
the button “size confirmation”, the length and width data will be synchronized to size information in feeder setting
Size information: If you input the length and width of the component,the image taken by flying camera will be
identified and recognized with the corresponding pixel.
Note: For special thick component, you must input the
User can choose whether to click “open size recognition” according to their own requirement. If “open size
recognition” is clicked, the machine will throw the component and pick again when working if the component size is
not in corresponding with setting size information.
After above feeder information setting is finished, click “feeder assign to component”, then component list will be updated
accordingly. Click “save”and “back”. All the procedures are finished.
6. Nozzle Information
Below records the nozzle type of nozzle No.1-No.6. When replacing the nozzle, just replace the nozzle according to the file
recorded nozzle type.
7. Assembly Interface
Choose the programmed file in file listed interface, click “Mount”, it will go into assembly interface as below: