5 Software Setup C Count sensors on Channel 1
All addressed and unaddressed sensors connected to channel 1 will be
Unaddressed sensors under strain (“in alarm”) and addressed sensors (“non
0”) will be shown. These sensors will not be able to be configured with a
new address and need to be relieved of any strain and decommissioned
before continuing with addressing.
The sensor count value in 3.2.1 will be automatically updated with the
number of sensors detected in this menu, when the configuration is saved
(see 3.3.4).
During the count process, which takes about 5 seconds, random beeps will
be heard for each sensor found in a decommissioned network.
Performing a sensor count on a commissioned network, will produce a rapid
and evenly distributed beep sequence. Address sensors Channel 1
Before commencing sensor addressing ensure no sensors are in alarm.
Press the centre pushbutton to start the addressing sequence.
The default starting address is 1. This value can be changed manually with
the left and right pushbuttons if a different sensor address needs to be
programmed. Note that sensor addresses must be filled sequentially and it
is not allowed to have 0 addresses between non 0 addresses. For example,
addressing 4 sensors as 2, 8, 9 and 12 is not allowed.
Once the required address is chosen, apply slight pressure to the Taut Wire
sensor by hand, until a beep sound is heard and the address counter
increments. The sensor is now addressed. If there I no response when
pressure is applied, it is possible that the sensor already has a non 0
address. Refer to to clear the sensor address.
Repeat the process for all unaddressed sensors. When finished, press the
centre pushbutton to stop the process.