Section 4: Configuration and Service Modes
4- 12
Press the UP ARROW button. As the number in the DIASTOLIC display
increases to a maximum of 254, the volume should correspondingly
Press the DOWN ARROW button to decrease the volume.
Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button to return to the service mode
steady state.
4.3.5 Menu Item 5: Internal Configuration Code (ICC) Report
This menu item confirms whether or not the current monitor configuration is
the desired configuration. The ICC is the hexadecimal representation of the
instrument hardware configuration derived by the processor through direct
internal examination of the hardware and software present in the N-3100.
From the service mode, select menu item 5 by pressing the UP/DOWN
ARROW buttons until “5” appears in the SYSTOLIC display. Press the
UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. The ICC value (should be “0”) appears in
the DIASTOLIC display, followed by the letter “H.” If the displayed ICC
differs from the value stored in the EEPROM, then the displayed value
will flash.
If the displayed value is flashing, press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT
button to save the value as the default.
Press the LOWER ALARM LIMIT button to return to the service mode
steady state.
4.3.6 Menu Item 6: Total Operating Hours Report
This report displays the total number of operating hours logged by the UIF
PCB since it was produced. From the service mode, select menu item 6 by
pressing the UP or DOWN ARROW buttons until “6” appears in the
SYSTOLIC display. Press the UPPER ALARM LIMIT button. The total
number of operating hours is displayed in the SYSTOLIC and DIASTOLIC
displays. Possible values are from 0 to 999,999 hours. Press the LOWER
ALARM LIMIT button to return to the service mode steady state.
4.3.7 Menu Items 7-16: Error Log Record Report
This report provides information regarding the last ten error codes recorded
by the monitor before it was turned off, the number of occurrences of that
particular error, and the number of operating hours since the most recent
occurrence of the error. The error log has ten entries (menu items 7-16), as
indicated below. Note: Refer to Section 5, Troubleshooting , and the Appendix
for an explanation of error codes.
The procedure below is for Error Log Record 1 (menu item 7). Use the same
procedure to access Error Log Records 2 through 10 (menu items 8 through