which may drip down the throat or out of the nose shortly
after irrigation.
How many times a day can a nasal rinse be
Most users fi nd that rinsing twice a day is most benefi cial.
In our opinion, rinsing 3-4 times per day or for special
circumstances, even rinsing up to 6 times per day, is
safe. Please follow your physician’s advice.
What are the causes of a burning sensation
related to nasal irrigation?
Under normal circumstances, you should not feel any
burning or stinging if you have created the proper dilution
with NeilMed Sinus Rinse or BreatheEase XL mixtures.
Causes of a burning sensation include:
1. Forgetting to put the saline mixture in the tank
2. Using more than the specifi ed quantity of mixture for
the water quantity
3. Using water that is too hot or too cold
4. Not thoroughly dissolving the mixture in the water
If you are following all directions and still experiencing
burning or stinging, please discontinue nasal rinsing and
contact our customer service department for advice.
What should I do if the nasal rinse causes pain
in the ear?
Nasal rinsing is not recommended if you have an acute
or new ear infection or ear discomfort of any kind. We
advise that you consult your physician before starting
rinses, or wait until symptoms subside. If symptoms
recur, stop the rinses and consult your physician as soon
as possible.
What is my nasal passage feels stuffy after
using the rinse?
Some people experience refl ex or rebound congestion
with exposure to saline. This condition is usually very
transient. If symptoms continue, consider using a
Hypertonic (double strength) solution, or use an over-the-
counter decongestant for a day or two. This is usually
a very benign and mild condition that should resolve
with time. Unless very symptomatic, there is no need to
discontinue ongoing irrigation. It will most likely resolve
on its own.
Can I add any other ingredients, such as
eucalyptus oil, alcohol, herbal medications,
corticosteroids, or antibiotics?
Please check with your physician, as there are various
options available. We will not give any recommendations.
What should I do if I happen to swallow the
saline during the nasal irrigation procedure?
It should not cause any harm, even if you have high blood
pressure or a heart condition. If you follow our directions,
tilting your head forward, the chances of solution
reaching the back of the throat are very small.
Is it common for solution to drain from my nose
after rinsing?
Yes, this is very common, and is why we do not
recommend rinsing your nasal passages right before
going to bed. This will generally happen in the 15 to 20
minutes after using the rinse.
Should workers exposed to occupational dust
perform nasal rinses?
Workers who are exposed to large amounts of
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