XCM4040SAT2 UME-0009-02
4.2.9 Memory Load
4.2.10 Memory Save
4.2.11 Generating Test Pattern
4.2.12 Saving Pixel Correction Data
4.2.13 Setting Pixel Correction
4.2.14 Setting Exposure Time - Readout Time
4.2.15 Returning the Cameras Settings to the its original status
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4.2.16 Setting the Pixel Readout Direction
4.3 Digital Processing flow in FPGA
4.4 Startup
4.5 Saving and Loading Camera Settings
4.6 Serial Communication Settings
4.7 Video Output Format
4.8 Exposure Mode and Timing Chart
4.8.1 Free Run Exposure Mode (Programming time setting)
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4.8.2 External Trigger Exposure Mode (Trigger Edge)
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4.8.3 External Trigger Exposure Mode (Trigger Level)
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4.9 Setting Offset
4.10 Setting Gain
4.11 Pixel Correction
4.11.1 Command Settings
4.11.2 How to calibrate the camera
4.12 Test Pattern
5 Confirming Camera Settings
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5.1 Before Power-on
5.2 After Power-on
5.3 In Operation
6 Sensor Handling Instructions
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6.1 Electrostatic Discharge and the Sensor
6.2 Protecting Against Dust, Oil and Scratches
6.3 Cleaning the Sensor Window
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7.1 When there is no Image