Fault Code: E05
Fault Content: PD input/output overload or short-circuit
Fault Solution: Disconnect the devices in the PD connection and
reconnect it.
Fault Code: E06
Fault Content: Battery over-temperature
Fault Solution: Disconnect all the devices. When the working temperature
returns to the normal level, the fault code will be removed.
Fault Code: E07
Fault Content: Battery low-temperature
Fault Solution: Disconnect all the devices. When the working temperature
returns to the normal level, the fault code will be removed.
Fault Code: E08
Fault Content: USB-A output overload or short-circuit
Fault Solution: Disconnect the devices in USB-A connection first.
Short press the USB button or connect the PD output interface then.
After that, the fault code will be removed automatically.
Fault Code: E09
Fault Content: DC charging over-voltage
Fault Solution: Disconnect the device in DC connection. Once the
voltage turns to normal, the fault condition will be removed automatically.
Fault Code: E10
Fault Content: DC charging low-voltage
Fault Solution: Disconnect the device in DC connection. Once the
voltage turns to normal, the fault condition will be removed automatically.