Installation Manual, Chapter 9 – Telephone Programming
A6-506000-642-01(8508), Release 6.0, November 2003
The table provides a complete list of all of the programming functions. These are listed
in order by function number. The table consists of four columns, a brief explanation of
each column is listed below.
Function Number
Lists the number used by the system to access the programming functions.
Function Name/Telephone Display
Lists the function name and shows how the function appears in the display of the
telephone. Since there is limited space in the telephone display, the functions are
abbreviated and will not match the function name. To distinguish the function
name from the telephone display, the following font is used to indicate the display:
Display Sample Typeface
. The telephone display typically consists of two lines. The
first line is the abbreviation and the second line is the default setting. If your
system has been previously programmed, the number on your display may be
different from the one provided in the table.
Provides a brief explanation of the function.
Programming Values
Lists the programmable options for the function. Note that the default values are
displayed in bold typeface.