Using This Guide ix
Using This Guide
The NEC Versa
SX User's Guide gives you the information you need to
maximize the use of your NEC Versa notebook computer. Read this
guide to familiarize yourself with the NEC Versa and its features. For
specific information see
Chapter 1, “Introducing the NEC Versa,” to acquaint yourself with
system hardware.
Chapter 2, “Getting Started,” for instructions on how to connect,
power on, and care for your system, as well as, what to bring when
you travel with your NEC Versa notebook computer.
Chapter 3, “Using the Software,” for a concise summary of the
applications and utilities loaded on your system. We included
software to let you experience the full spectrum of the system, from
customizing your notebook’s parameters and power management
settings to creating vivid presentations.
Chapter 4, “Using the Hardware,” for an understanding of NEC Versa
features and functionality. You’ll learn how to swap VersaBay III
devices, install PC cards, and upgrade your system memory.
Chapter 5, “Using External Devices,” to master procedures for
connecting external devices like an external monitor, headphones, a
printer, or speakers.
Chapter 6, “Using Multimedia,” for steps on integrating video and
sound clips into impressive presentations.
Chapter 7, “Solving System Problems,” for simple solutions to
common problems that may arise while operating your notebook.
Chapter 8, “Getting Services and Support,” for information about
getting help when you need it from NEC Computer Systems Division
Appendix A, “Setting Up a Healthy Work Environment,” for
guidelines that help promote a healthy work setting.