8. User Supportware
Projecting Your Computer’s Screen Image or Video from the
Projector over a LAN (Image Express Utility Lite) (MM Models)
Using Image Express Utility Lite contained on the supplied NEC Projector CD-ROM allows you to send the computer’s
screen image to the projector over a wired or wireless LAN.
Image Express Utility Lite is a program compatible with Windows.
Image Express Utility Lite for Mac OS is a program compatible with Mac OS. (
This section will show you an outline about how to connect the projector to a LAN and to use Image Express Utility
Lite. For the operation of Image Express Utility Lite, see the help of Image Express Utility Lite.
Step 1: install Image Express Utility Lite on the computer.
Step 2: Connect the projector to a LAN.
Step 3: Start Image Express Utility Lite.
• Image Express Utility Lite (for Windows) can be started from most commercially available removable media such as USB memory
devices or SD cards without the need to install on your computer. (
What You can Do with Image Express Utility Lite
• Image transmission (for Windows and Mac OS)
• The screen of your computer can be sent to the projector via a wired or wireless network without a computer cable
• By using “EASY CONNECTION” function, the complicated network settings can be simplified and the computer
will automatically connect to the projector.
• The screen of your computer can be sent to up to four projectors at the same time.
• Audio transfer capability (for Windows only)
• Image Express Utility Lite allows you to send the computer’s screen image and audio to the projector over wired/
wireless LAN or USB connection.
• Audio transfer capability is available only when the computer connects with the projector in peer-to-peer net-
• Playing streaming video (for Windows only)
• Image Express Utility Lite allows you to send streaming video from the computer to a single projector over wired
or wireless LAN without the need of connecting a computer cable. For list of supported movie files and playback
requirements, see page
• Geometric Correction Tool [GCT] (for Windows only)
See “
Projecting an Image from an Angle (Geometric Correction Tool in Image Express Utility Lite)”. (
• When Image Express Utility Lite is used, the audio from the COMPUTER AUDIO IN Mini Jack (Stereo Mini) may not be synchro-
nized with the video.