NEC N8605
3. When game is “Brave Rush 5 barriers” viz. the first cut, choose next cut of the menu, enter into the
next cut;
4. When game is “driving from pillar to post” viz. the last cut, choose previous cut of the menu,
withdraw the previous cut;
5. When pass a cut, pops a message box “congratulations on pass cut”, clues to the next cut;
6. Choose “Choose cut” of menu, you may choose play which cut, there is 6 cuts in all, which is Brave
Rush 5 barriers: “Watertight”, “Putting swords and Holding horses”, “Small swallow out of nest”, “Near
at hand”, “driving from pillar to post”;
7. Choose Hero Post of menu, you may see the highest scores of every cuts, viz. the record of the
least steps moved in every cut;
8. Choose the help of the menu, and you may look over the rules of game;
9. Tap exit to exit the game.
WuJian Tao
Goals of game:
Make the entire chessman become to the same color.
Game Clue:
When you tap chessman in the screen, this chessman and its around chessman change
into reverse color, the created situation every time have a resolution all the time. Tap Clue key may
clue to the quickest completed step.
Way of game:
1. Tap “Game World” icon;
2. Choose “Overturn Chessman” to enter into game;
3. Choose “settings” to set game level and whether is showed in the course of game or not;
4. Tap “New Game” to start game, and tap touch screen to change color of chessman.
Rules of game:
WuJian Tao is a interesting and intellectual game, each cut of game has various different patterns,
the same patterns which have been moved in together disappear, players take measures to move the