NEC N8605
play in succession in the main menu of games next time, enter into the previous interface of games
directly. When all boxes are in destination, pop the “congratulations on pass cut ” message box, enter
into the next cut. Here pop the pass cut interface, clue to whether enter into the next cut or not. If this
is last cut, pop bottom of cut interface, clue to whether play a new game or not.
Rules of game:
There are 5 shapes in the main interface of game: wall, boxman, box, and blank area with shadow
and blank area with no shadow. Push all the boxes to the blank area with shadow, namely pass the
cut (70 cuts in the game, you may choose cut or regret). The rules of game is pushing a box along the
blank area from the back of box every time, meeting the wall or there is a box cannot be moved.
Way of game:
Choose the choosing cut of the menu, you may choose any cut in1-70 to begin game;
After starts the game, use the touch pen tap
control the direction of boxman,
move the boxman to the back of box which will be moved to push the box;
Choose new game of the menu, restart this cut;
Choose retract of the menu, cancel the recent move position, you may retract only a step once;
Choose next cut of the menu, enter into the next cut;
Choose previous cut of the menu, withdraw the previous cut;
There are 70 cuts in all, and the cut is showed in the left top corner. When pass a cut, pops a
message box “congratulations on pass cut”, clue to the next cut;
Choose the help of the menu, you may look over the rules of game;
Tap exit to exit the game.
Goals of game:
The one who takes the lead in linking 5 seeds to an adjacent line (vertical, horizontal,
diagonal line) wins.
Rules of game:
Gobang is also named as 5 seeds linking to a line, which is derived from I-go.
Although the rule is simple, counterchange is very various. The chess board is network which