i-mode (M3)
To send the mail, highlight Send
To save the mail, highlight Save
To delete the currently edited mail,
Del. mail
Creating a new MMS
The Compose menu screen is displayed
Using Compose menu, create an MMS (for details, see the table “Compose menu” )
The Compose MMS screen is displayed
Set the addressee and key in the subject (see “Creating a new mail” on page 36 for details).
To send the MMS, highlight Send
To save the MMS, highlight Save
Compose menu
From the Compose MMS or Edit MMS screen, highlight Attachment
The slide is displayed
No. Compose menu
1 Add/Edit/Delete text
Adds, edits or deletes the text data in the text field on the slide.
2 Add/Overwrite/
Delete image
Adds, overwrites or deletes the image file in the image field on the slide.
3 Add/Overwrite/
Delete audio
Adds, overwrites or deletes the sound file in the sound field on the slide.
4 Add/Overwrite/
Delete video
Adds, overwrites or deletes the video file on the slide.
Shifts to the Compose MMS screen.
Saves the currently created MMS.
Displays the created slides in order from the beginning at the preset playback time for each.
Add slide
1 Add slide
Adds a new slide after the currently displayed slide.
2 Insert slide
Inserts a new slide just before the currently displayed slide.
Delete slide
Deletes the currently displayed slide.
Text colour
Selects the Text colour from the 16 different colours.
Background colour
Selects the Background colour from the 16 different colours.