This section helps you resolve problems you may encounter while inputting a COMPONENT signal.
* When a copy-guard-capable software source is played on a DVD player, white lines outside of a picture may appear. If this
happens, perform the blanking adjustment.
Regardless of whether or not using a DVD player, when a copy-guarded signal is input, a picture may be distorted at the top of
the screen. If this happens, enlarge the image size to display the portion of distortion outside of the screen.
* When switching signals with the external equipment, there may be cases where G-Sync and DVD signals with horizontal
frequencies of approximately 15 kHz cannot be discriminated. There may be cases where an unregistered G-Sync signal with
a horizontal frequency of approximately 15 kHz may be mistaken for a DVD signal and may not be displayed correctly.
When using G-Sync and DVD signals with horizontal frequencies of approximately 15 kHz at the same time, do not use the
same input terminal.
* A COMPONENT signal can be input with the RGB input board installed when the projector is used with the ISS-6020
switcher on the SW level mode. To enable this, you must first specify the RGB input board as the COMPONENT input
board on the projector. See “Setting Mode-RGB/COMPONENT Searching of the Set-up manual.
Searching Registered Signals
When switching source is performed with the remote control or a signal is input, the projector searches the registered signals and
outputs its adjustment data as follows:
By using the horizontal frequency the projector searches up to 100 signals previously stored in the INPUT LIST and up to six
signals stored in the DEFAULT AREA for a matching or close data to output.
* When a matching data is found in the INPUT LIST, the matching data will be displayed.
* When a data with a different input terminal is found, the input terminal and input signal name will be displayed in yellow and
output its data.
* When the data is found in the DEFAULT AREA, the data will be displayed as NEW SIGNAL.
* When no matching data is found, the nearest thing to a NEW SIGNAL data will be displayed.