background image

Improve your view with high-performance color control.

 A 12-bit gamma 

lookup table (LUT), which allows MultiSync 90 Series monitors to display 
16.7 million colors out of a palette of 68.5 billion, provides for more finely 
detailed, high-definition rendering of color images and crisper display of 
even the most delicate shadings and color differences. GammaComp™ in-
ternal circuitry automatically converts 8-bit data from the PC to 12-bit and 
back to 8-bit, producing smooth, accurate color tones. Gamma can be set 
by using preset values (including S-Curve and DICOM GSDF) or creating 
a custom setting from 0.5 to 4.0 in increments of 0.1, providing an ideal 
setting for video or other applications. 

Advanced image control. 

The completely redesigned Advanced OSM™ de-

livers a host of additional features that give you complete control of your 
monitor and its settings. This helps make these monitors extremely flexible 
in working with most any computer video system. The screen saver and 
real-time clock functions help reduce the risk of image persistence, extend-
ing the life of the display, while gamma adjustment decreases the effect 
of high-contrast images on long-term image quality. Also, when switching 
between landscape and portrait orientations, you can have your on-screen 
images automatically rotated and resized.
Automatic black level adjustment allows for better control of grayscale 

images. Video bandwidth can be adjusted to compensate for bad signals 
and gives you more flexibility in the number of signals you can view, while 
the auto adjust level can be customized to various settings for personal 
preferences when powering up a new system. Additionally, the zoom mode 
enables you to customize the screen size in three directions. 

Also controlled through the Advanced OSM is TileMatrix™, which allows 
you to build video walls of various configurations. With the use of a video 
amplifier and a standard video card, this feature saves you time and mon-
ey compared to other connection solutions. With the ability to utilize up to 
25 monitors (in horizontal or vertical configurations from 1x2 through 5x5) 
that display a shared image (see images on previous page), you can build 
an impressive video wall for various applications, including advertising 
and tradeshows. TileComp™ works in tandem with TileMatrix to compen-
sate for the width of tiled bezels and optimally display still images.

Another user-controlled feature offered by the Advanced OSM is Ambi-


, which automatically adjusts the backlight depending on the bright-

ness of ambient lighting conditions. For example, if the sensor detects the 
ambient lighting becoming darker, it reduces the backlight appropriately, 
which helps provide optimal readability and reduce eyestrain. Further, if 
desired, you can set the display to automatically enter a power-saving mode 

Multi-functional cabinet design

In addition to adding eye-pleas-

ing aesthetics to your desktop, the 

design of the MultiSync 90 Series 

boasts many functional features that 

increase your viewing comfort and 

lead to gains in overall productivity.


Height-adjustable stand (150mm 

Tilt capability

Redesigned OSM control buttons

Quick-release stand
