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imperceptible bezel frees up more horizontal and vertical desktop space 
for multi-monitor applications. These include both standard side-by-side 
and tiled configurations, which are also assisted by the cabinet’s rear clip 
slots. Using the clips (available separately), these allow for easier align-
ment of the displays for a more seamless overall appearance.

Newly designed control buttons on the bottom corner of the bezel provide 
you with a more intuitive means to reach your preferred image settings. 
By having a key guide for each button appear on-screen alongside it when 
activated, an even thinner and more non-distracting bezel is achieved. 
Plus, when switching from landscape to portrait orientation or vice versa, 
an internal gravitational sensor automatically changes the on-screen 
guides accordingly.

In addition to their ability to easily switch orientations, MultiSync 90 
Series displays provide other means of reaching your preferred viewing 
comfort (see images on the next page). The newly designed base allows 
for a height adjustment range of an astounding 150mm, while the tilt and 
swivel functions provide you flexibility in meeting ergonomic standards or 
personal preferences. Despite its wide range of motion, the display’s cable 
management feature is able to safely conceal video cables and power 
cords, helping you avoid unattractive desktop clutters.    

For environments in which easy adaptability with the displays is required, 
the quick release stand and recessed handle are essential. With the simple 
pull of a lever on the base, the display quickly disengages from the stand, 
allowing you to move the display from a desktop to a wall or arm mount. 
Tools and easy-to-lose screws also can be 
avoided with the use of this quick and simple 
function.  The handle on the back of the display 
further eases the display’s portability.

A smarter display. Only from NEC.

In order to provide the MultiSync 90 Series with 
its multitude of advanced technologies, NEC 
engineers literally started its development from 
scratch. While competing displays normally em-
ploy “off-the-shelf” video chipsets, we designed 
an Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), 
a chip designed for specific applications. As a 
result of this costly, time-consuming process, 
these displays are able to deliver all of their cut-
ting-edge features directly to your desktop.  

Achieve complete color and brightness unifor-

By nature, LCD panels and CCFL back-

lights contain uniformity errors, or mura, which 
are visible as slightly brighter or darker areas 
on the screen. To combat this inherent trait, 
each MultiSync 90 Series display is individually 

characterized during production using a fully automated system that mea-
sures hundreds of points across the screen at different gray levels. These 
measurements are used to build a 3-D correction matrix stored inside the 
display. This data is used to compensate for the uniformity not only as a 
function of position on the screen but of gray level as well. In turn, this 
technology, called ColorComp


, reduces the uniformity to virtually unno-

ticeable levels and applies a digital correction to each pixel on the screen 
to compensate for differences in color and luminance.

LCD panels ideal for even the most discerning applications. 

The MultiSync 

90 Series utilizes the highest-quality active matrix LCD modules used in 
professional flat-panel, wide-angle monitors. Each has slightly different 
characteristics that make them suitable for different types of applications. 
The in-plane switching (IPS) type module (indicated with an “i” in 90 Series 
model names) boasts the best possible color and grayscale accuracy and 
minimal gamma (brightness tone) shift at off angles. These features make 
IPS LCDs more suitable for demanding, color-critical applications. In addi-
tion, dark black colors and excellent grayscale reproductions make the IPS 
panel ideal for medical applications.

Vertical alignment (VA) LCD module technology (indicated with a “p” in 
90 Series model names) offers excellent image quality, high brightness and 
contrast ratios, and fast response times in a cost-effective solution. These 
models are well-suited to meet the needs of financial, public information, 
CAD/CAM and other environments that demand high resolutions, precise 
images, adjustment flexibility and advanced features but may not have a 
need for exacting color reproduction.


Custom technologies and multi-functional design unite in this










    flat-panel display series.

NEC’s TileMatrix and TileComp technologies allow you to build video walls in various configura-

tions (shown above), creating a custom-sized, virtually seamless screen for advertising, branding or 

high-tech decor..     
