E – 51
Provides an online help about how to use the menus. An under-
lined link means that you can move to an adjustment item directly.
Selecting the underlined link and pressing ENTER moves to the
corresponding adjustment item.
The Help Menu may not be displayed correctly when a UXGA signal
is displayed.
Displays the status of the current signal, and the lamp and the pro-
jector usage hours.
This dialog box has six pages.
[Page 1]
Source Name
Input Terminal
Entry No.
Horizontal Frequency
Vertical Frequency
Sync Polarity
[Page 2]
Signal Type
Video Type
Sync Type
Direct Key (See also page E-41)
[Page 3]
Aspect Ratio (IN/OUT)
Gamma Correction
Noise Reduction
Color Matrix
Matrix Type
[Page 4]
Lamp Remaining Time (%)
Lamp Hour Meter (H)
Filter Usage (H)
Projector Usage (H)
Projector ID
The progress indicator shows the percentage of remaining bulb life.
The value informs you of the amount of lamp, filter and projector usage
[Page 5]
Version (BIOS/Firmware/Data/SUB-CPU)
[Page 6]
Link Mode:
Displaying Current Status of Link Mode
When selecting the tab "Page 6 ", you will get the following dialog
Master ID .................... Indicates the Master projector
Status ......................... Indicates the status of the master projector
Connected PJ .............. Indicates number of connected slave projectors
Slave No. .................... Indicates serial number of the slave projector
ID ................................ Indicates ID of a slave projector
Status ......................... Indicates the status of the slave projector
Page buttons
䊴 䊳
Turns pages. One screen displays information of 3
projectors only. Information of a maximum of 16
projectors can be displayed using these page but-
Reconnect button ....... Confirms connection of all linked projectors
Status items:
Running ...................... The projector is now working
Cooling Lamp ............. The fan is now cooling the lamp
Standby ...................... The projector is in stand-by
Communication Error . A communication error has occurred
Connecting .................. The projector is now verifying for connection
Error Standby ............. An error caused the projector to enter the stand-by
Test Pattern
Nine test patterns can be selected. You can turn on or off red, green, or
blue respectively.