E – 44
Factory Default
Changes all adjustments and setting to the factory preset for each
source individually except Lamp Hour Meter, Projector Usage, Lan-
guage and Communication Speed. (To reset the lamp usage time, see
"Clear Lamp Hour Meter" on page E-48.)
All Data ............... Reset all the settings for all the signals to the factory
Current Signal ..... Resets the adjustments for the current signal to the fac-
tory preset levels.
The items that can be reset for the currently projected image are:
Picture (Brightness, Contrast, Color, Hue and Sharpness) and Image
Options (Color Temperature, Gamma Correction, Advanced Options
[Aspect Ratio, Noise Reduction, Color Matrix, White Balance, Switcher
Gain, Position/Clock, Resolution, Video Filter, Overscan, Clamp Tim-
ing, Y/C Delay, YTR Adjustment, CTR Adjustment and HD Delay] ).
The Volume, Keystone, Lamp Mode and all the items in the Projector
Options can be reset only when "All Data" is selected.
Projector Options
Enables you to set preferences and other operating options.
Enables you to turn on or off your projector automatically at a specified
time. Two timer functions are available: On/Off Timer and Sleep Timer.
[On/Off Timer]
Up to eight settings can be programmed.
• Before setting On/Off Timer, make sure that Date, Time Preset fea-
ture is set.
• Even after setting On/Off Timer, turning the projector on or off with
the remote control is possible.
• There are two time display formats: 24-hour or AM/PM for-mat.
Adjusts Y/C delay level ( -8 and +8).
YTR Adjustmen (not available for RGB and DVI digital)
Adjusts luminance transient time (0-7).
CTR Adjustment (not available for RGB and DVI digital)
Adjusts chroma transient time (0-7).
HD Delay (available for DVI digital signal only)
Y/C Delay (not available for RGB and DVI digital)
This function reduces video noise.
Select On/Off with the Select
On ................ The low-pass filter is applied.
Off ................ The filter is removed.
Screen adjustments are possible even when the filter is On.
Overscan (RGB only)
Video Filter (when Auto Adjust is off)
You can select overscan percentage for RGB signal.
Select the appropriate option using the Select
When "Resolution" is set to "Native", this feature is not available, and the
stored settings and adjustments are invalid.
Clamp Timing (not available for DVI digital)
This function sets the standard black level position of the displayed
image. Select one of the following three options.
Auto ............. Normal setting.
Tri-Sync ....... Setting for HDTV signal
Front Porch .. For other settings than above
This feature is used to correct vertical jitter of DVI digital signal.
Select On/Off with the Select
On ................ Delays the horizontal sync.
Off ................ Does not delay the horizontal sync.