Here are the features of your new refrigerator.
Take a moment to know all the features designed for your conv e n i e n c e.
M ov e ble Refrigerator and Freezer Shelves
S t o rage shelves should be adjusted depending on the height of the food stored. To do this, pull
the shelves slightly fo r wa r d .
D e f rost-drain Ve s s a l
Dust acoumulated in the drain case decreases the eva p o ration efficiency. You should clean the
d rain case at regular interva l s.
Ice Case Frame Assembly
1) Fill the ice case with water up to the water level line and insert it into the designated space in
the ice holder.
2) After the water is completely frozen, twist the ice case handle clockwise and let the ice fall into
the ice box below, When all ice has been cleared from the ice case, let go of the handle which
will return to its orlginal position by an installed return spri n g .