NEC Express5800/A2040c, A2020c, A2010c, A1040c
NEC Corporation
–Sep. 2015
Fibre Channel / SAS Controller
Product Name/Description
Part Number
Fibre Channel Controller (1 port)
Emulex LightPulse LPe1250-F8 Host Bus Adapter
8Gb/s, Optical, PCIe 2.0(x8), Low Profile
Fibre Channel Controller(2 port)
Emulex LightPulse LPe12002-M8 Host Bus Adapter
8Gb/s, Optical, PCIe 2.0(x8), Low Profile
Fibre Channel Controller (1 port)
Emulex LightPulse LPe16000B-M6 Host Bus Adapter
16Gb/s, Optical, PCIe 3.0(x8), Low Profile / Full Height
Fibre Channel Controller (2port)
Emulex LightPulse LPe16002B2-M6 Host Bus Adapter
16Gb/s, Optical, PCIe 3.0(x8), Low Profile / Full Height
SAS Controller
LSI SAS9212-4i4e Host Bus Adapter
6Gb/s SAS, PCIe 2.0(x8), Low Profile
SAS Controller
LSI SAS9300-8e Host Bus Adapter
12Gb/s SAS, PCIe 2.0(x8), Low Profile
Not Supported for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Connection to iStorage M Series via SAS under Linux environment: Not supported
Please refer to the iStorage website for the supported device and OS by iStorage series
Please refer to the EXPRESSCLUSTER web site for cluster configuration
Depending on the FibreChannel(FC) link speed, the available cable type and/or length may differ. Please
refer to the users guide for the Fibre Channel Controller.
As 2m cables are used to connect SAS Controller and Device Expansion Unit, the following remarks
should be noted when using Device Expansion Unit.
Device Expansion Unit (2U): N8141-75
Can be mounted with the space less than 3U from the server (on top or under).
When moungint Device Expansion Unit on top or just under the server, all devices (1-4)
can be connected.
When mounting Device Expansion Unit with 1
– 3U space, Device 3 and 4 (left side of
the Unit in fromt view / connector 3 and 4 of right side from rear view) can be connected.
Among the space between the Device Expansion Unit and the server, the item with less
than 660mm in lengh can be mounted.
Device Expansion Unit (1U): N8141-74
Can be mounted with the space less than 2U from the server (on top or under).
When moungint Device Expansion Unit on top or just under the server, all devices (1-2)
can be connected. But SAS Controller to be connected to Device 1 should be installed at
PCI Slot#8 - #16. (SAS Controller to be connected to Device 2 can be installed at any
PCI Slot.)
When mounting Device Expansion Unit with 1-2U space, all devices (1-2) can be
connected. SAS Controller to be connected to Device 1 should be installed at PCI Slot
#16. (SAS Controller to be connected to Device 2 can be installed at any PCI Slot.)