5. Troubleshooting
Express5800/R110i-1, T110i-S, T110i Maintenance Guide
Chapter 1 Maintenance
Problem of EXPRESSBUILDER on Windows
Unable to read the manuals
Have you installed Adobe Reader to your computer?
To read the manuals, install Adobe Reader in your computer.
Does the message below appear?
“Internet explorer has stopped working”
Close the error dialog box and proceed. If the same error appears, double-click “version.xml” on the root
folder of EXPRESSBUILDER DVD, click Yes at the dialog box displayed and click Instruction Manuals on
Autorun Menu again.
Autorun menu does not appear when EXPRESSBUILDER DVD is inserted to the server
Run the following file on DVD by Explorer.
(on 32 bit Edition)
\ autorun\dispatcher_x64.exe
(on 64 bit Edition)
The menu item of Integrated Installation is gray
Is your system environment suitable?
To run Integrated Installation, log on to the Windows on the server with an administrative privilege.
The menu is displayed with a wrong language
Is your system environment suitable?
Confirm the settings of
Regional and Language Options
. Specify the language settings of each tab to
English (US)
Unable to create the repository
Do four drive letters remain?
Free at least four drive letters except A: and B: when creating the repository.
If the drive letters from C: to W: are already assigned, drive letters cannot be assigned to four temporary
drives and the repository cannot be created.
The following message appears after the Update command of EXPRESSBUILDER is run
You need to format the disk in drive I: before you can use it.
Do you want to format it?
* The drive letter ("I:") is changed to other drive letter depending on your hardware environment.
to close the window. If you accidentally format it, you can recover by performing the
command again.
The following message appears on the right bottom of screen
Device driver software was not successfully installed
Ignore the message. The message will automatically disappear.