Test Bench
22 www.ndtjames.com
Ctrl +
U, the message “Please start Upload” will appear on your PC
screen. Then on the Emodumeter unit, press enter on the selected
Test and the upload process will begin. You can choose to upload
all of the tests stored in memory to the PC, or upload each test one
by one.
Note: During the FFT Upload, the Emodumeter will upload the last
FFT values to a PC in a few seconds. In order to upload another
record, the system will first calculate the Frequency Spectrum, and
after that the data will be ready to be transmitted to the PC.
Test Bench
Center support: the basic support has been arranged for the
accelerometer to be on the
axial center line of a 6” x 12” cylinder or
6” x 6” square section specimen. For 4” dia. or 4” x 4” section a
spacer, marked 4, is placed on the basic support and for 3” dia. or
3” x 3” specimens a second spacer, marked 3, is added to the 100
spacer. Torsion spacer blocks, spacer blocks marked 1, 2, and 3
on which the accelerometer supports may be mounted are provided
for torsion testing. For 3” dia. and 3” x 3” square section
specimens, the accelerometer is mounted on blocks 1 plus 2, for 4”
dia. and 4
” x 4” specimens use blocks 1 plus 3 and for 6” dia. and
6” x 6” specimens use blocks 1 plus 2 plus 3.