Non-Scale 1-Bag Bagwell Upgrade
This publication provides procedures for upgrading an NCR FastLane SelfServ™
Checkout (7358), either from a No-Bag unit or a unit with an existing Bagwell, to a unit
with a Non-Scale 1-Bag Bagwell.
The NCR FastLane SelfServ™ Checkout with a Bagging Area (Bagwell) Module or
Large Basket (Large Basket) Module can be configured for either Left-hand (LH)
orientation or Right-hand (RH) orientation, which refers to the direction customers scan
and bag items.
Left-hand (LH) orientation
—Customers scan from left to right.
Right-hand (RH) orientation
—Customers scan from right to left.
The orientation of the unit is determined by the position of the Lower Core
(Cabinet) Module in relation to the Bagwell or Large Basket.
The Left-hand (LH) unit has the Cabinet positioned on the left side of the
Bagwell or Large Basket.