1-Bag Bagwell Upgrade
13. Install clear plastic deflectors to the Core side and rear side of the Bagwell.
Ensure that the deflectors meet at the rear and Core side corners, and should rest
against the Bagwell frame.
! Important:
Plastic deflectors must
touch the Scale Tray surface to avoid
scale errors.
14. Attach the Bagwell Skirt Panels. For more information, refer to
15. Do the following:
Level the unit and attach the bag racks, if necessary. For more information, refer
to the
NCR FastLane SelfServ™ Checkout (7358) R6L Plus Hardware Installation
Guide (B005–0000–5263)
Test scale operation in PML. For more information, refer to the
NCR FastLane
SelfServ™ Checkout Profile Manager Lite (PML) User Guide for ADD 3.X (B005-0000-