NComputing N-series User Manual rev11.09.12
4.2 DHCP Options for Automatic N-series Configuration
This section of the manual will assist administrators in configuring their Microsoft Windows DHCP
server(s) to allow the NComputing N-Series to automatically connect to XenDesktop and vSpace
Management Center environments. For the purpose of this user manual, we’ll be illustrating this process
using Server 2003 and Server 2008 R2. It should be noted however that any DHCP server can be used.
If you are already familiar with the administration of DHCP servers and the creation of option tags, feel
free to skip to the
N-series DHCP Tags
section of this guide for a list of tags that the N-series supports.
For those less familiar with DHCP administration, the following pages describe how to access the DHCP
settings in Server 2003 and Server 2008 respectively.
Accessing DHCP Settings in Windows Server 2003
From the DHCP server:
From the Start Menu click “Manage Your Server”