F-Series | Navigation
Find Address by Zip Code
Some regions allow you to find addresses by zip code. This can reduce the number of address search
steps, as zip codes more specifically identify a location straight away. All other steps are as for finding
by area.
Find Recent Address
Step 1:
ain Menu
screen) Tap
Recent Address
Step 2:
Recent Address
screen) Choose the address
Step 3:
You are going to
screen) Tap
if you want to save the address as a
or as
My Home
, or tap
(Drive) to drive there straight away. A 3D moving map will display your current
position and nearest route details.
Find My Home
Step 1:
ain Menu
screen) Tap
My Home
. A 3D moving map will display your current position
and nearest route details.
Note: If you have not yet saved a My Home address you can save your current location as My Home (this option
requires a GPS fix), or find a new My Home address. Finding a new Home address follows the steps described for
finding a New Address.
Find a Favorite (saved address)
Step 1:
Main Menu
screen) Tap
Step 2:
screen) Choose the
Step 3:
You Are Going To
screen) Tap
(Edit) if you want to change the name of the
save it as
My Home
, or tap
(Drive) to drive there straight away. A 3D moving map will display your
current position and nearest route details.