NAVIS NavDP 4000. Operation Manual
Chapter 8
Position References
Coordinate Systems
Position information may be provided by different position-reference systems (Ref-systems) and received in different
forms as follows:
– global position-reference system (Latitude and Longitude in a geographic coordinate system)
– local position-reference system (Northing and Easting in a Cartesian coordinate system)
– local position-reference system in the UTM projection
Coordinate systems
Following coordinate system settings are available from Operator Station:
(Yes/No) When use of UTM system is required, you should select Yes pressing the Change softkey and set
UTM parameters;
When use of UTM system is not needed you should select No pressing the Change softkey. In this case a map view
can be switched between Local N/E and Geo;
Map Coordinate System
(Local N/E, Geo, UTM) A coordinate system where a map view and a vessel position setpoint
are specified;
Route Coordinate System
(Local N/E, Geo, UTM) A coordinate system where a route is specified.
See section 8.1 for entering the coordinates in different coordinate systems.
UTM Coordinates Parameters
The following parameters are available from Operator Station:
False Northing
(Yes/No): abscissa origin is displaced by 10,000,000 m to the south of the Equator. Result: all points on
the Equator have abscissas 10,000,000 m; points southern to the Equator have positive values less than 10,000,000
m; points in the northern hemisphere - more than 10,000,000 m.
False Easting
(Yes/No): offset origin is displaced by 500,000 m to the west of central meridian. Result: on central
meridian all points have offsets 500,000 m; points to the west of central meridian have positive values less than
500,000 m; points in eastern part of zone are defined with positive offsets more than 500,000 m.
Automatic Zone Calculation
(Yes/No): automatic UTM zone determination right after the system start-up (when initial
information about the vessel position is provided).
Select “Yes” pressing Change softkey to activate this function.
UTM Zone
: manual setting of UTM zone. Use this option in case you need to use coordinates in some definite zone
(possibly close to its end or even out of it). The zone can be changed at any moment - it will not lead to changing
of ship movement.
Doc. 000.JDP-10000-OME, rev.3.3.13/“2102.$–17A-Advanced”