User’s manual NAVIGON 13xx | 23xx
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After you have read and fully understood the message, tap on OK.
If you do not accept the content of the message, tap on Cancel in
order to switch the navigation device off again.
window is opened. From here you can access all the
functions of the navigation application.
Initialising the GPS receiver
Good reception of GPS data requires an unobstructed path from
the GPS receiver to the satellites. Tunnels, narrow thoroughfares
between buildings and reflecting house fronts can restrict GPS
reception greatly or make it impossible. If the GPS receiver or the
navigation device is inside a vehicle, a metallised windscreen or a
windscreen heater can be the cause of poor GPS reception.
As soon as the navigation device has been switched on, initialisation of
the GPS receiver will begin.
The integrated GPS receiver is not initialised for the first time until the
navigation application is started for the first time. It can take up to
20 minutes to initialise the GPS receiver for the first time.
If the GPS symbol indicates
GPS Ready
after far less than
20 minutes, it is advisable to leave the navigation device switched on
for at least another 15 minutes in order to ensure reliable operation of
the receiver.
Each time you switch on the navigation device after this, GPS reception
will start within a short time.
If the navigation device has not been switched on for more than a week,
it can take up to 10 minutes to re-initialise the receiver.
In the top right hand corner of the display, you will see the GPS symbol.
As soon as data from at least three satellites is received, the icon will
change to
(GPS Ready).
Initialisation takes the least time if you do not start driving until
the initialisation has finished.
For more details about the GPS symbol refer to chapter "GPS" on
page 18.
Returning to the Navigation window
window opens when the navigation application is