Industrial Cellular VPN Router NR600 Series
User Manual
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SMS Gateway allow to send SMS messages by using a valid syntax from admin
Check the box will enable SMS gateway.
Authentication Type
Specify the authentication mode for SMS, optional for “None” and “Password”.
SMS Source
Specify SMS source to receive valid syntax, optional for “Serial Port” and “HTTP(S) GET/POST”.
SMS Message Format
Specify the SMS format between “Text” and “PDU” when reading SMS or reading SMS list via
Serial Port
Select the serial port from COM1 or COM2.
Baud Rate
Select the serial port baud rate. Supported values are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, or 115200.
Data Bits
Select the values from 7 or 8.
Stop Bits
Select the values from 1 or 2.
Select values from none, even, odd, mark, space.