Version 1.4
34 NCB-E Service Manual
Short Key
[Diagnostic] short key
Display of information for service
[Mode] short key
Sets heating temperature/hot water temperature
Displays/confirms information for customers
Converts () in order of Setting heating
=> Setting hot water temperature
=> Displaying customer information
=> Setting heating temperature (in
Normal Mode only)
[Reset] short key
Error code release/cancellation
[Plus] short key
Item movement/increase and displays Level 1 Error code
(for Level 1 Error status)
[Minus] short key
Item movement/reduction and displays Level 1 Error code
(for Level 1 Error status)
Long Key combination
[Power] long key
Power ON / OFF
[Mode] long key
(2 seconds)
Error history display
Must be in normal mode or Error
Display mode
[Reset] long key
(5 seconds)
Individual deletion of Error History / Tech Data
Works only at the relevant mode
[Diagnostic] long key
(5 seconds)
Advancement into Test Menu
Must be in normal mode
1. Parameter Setting
2. Error Check Mode Menu
3. Operation condition setting mode
[Diagnostic] long key
(10 Seconds)
Version display
Possible only with power turned OFF
long key (5Seconds)
Factory reset
Possible only with power turned OFF
* All button LEDs will be turned on to their maximum when buttons are pressed, and will be turned on at medium brightness at 5 second intervals from the
moment they are released and will be completely turned off after maintaining minimal brightness for 5 and 10 second periods.
* The button will be recognized as pressed once only when released after being pressed for over 50 msec from the time of pressing (Short Key)
* If the button is pressed until the Long Key reference time from initial pressing, then it will be recognized as a Long Key at the time the conditions are met.