End user agrees to use this product in compliance with all State and Federal laws. NAV-TV Corp. would not be held liable for
misuse of its product. If you do not agree, please discontinue use immediately and return product to place of purchase. This product is
intended for off-road use and passenger entertainment only.
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P a g e
Dash Disassembly (Yukon)
Begin by raising the monitor with the button shown below (ignition is not required).
Leave the monitor in the upright position during dash disassembly.
Remove the dash
panel on the
passenger side
above the glove
box. It is secured
with clips only and
pulls straight out
(towards the rear
of the vehicle).
Remove the under-
dash on the driver’s side (beneath the steering wheel, not pictured). This requires that
you remove (2x) Torx T15 screws hidden
beneath the fuse panel cover on the
left side of the dash (hidden by the
driver’s door), and also (4x) T15 screws
underneath. After the screws have
been removed, the dash panel will pull
off straight towards you.
Remove (1x) 7mm screw from the
panel that secures the push to start
button, and pry the panel from the