le-X d
3. Press the PROgRAmS Key to select the hRt RAte CONtROl CARdiO program and press the eNteR Key to
4. you will be prompted to enter in your age. enter your age using the SPeed uP/dOWN Keys or the numeric
keypad and press the eNteR Key to confirm.
5. you will be prompted to enter in a target heart rate. your approximate target heart rate will be shown. you may
accept this number by pressing the eNteR Key or you can adjust this number by using the SPeed uP/dOWN
Keys or the numeric keypad. Press eNteR to confirm.
6. the upcoming speed and grade will be shown in their respective displays. Press the StARt key to begin your
workout. the time will count up from 0:00.
7. Adjust your speed to a comfortable warm-up pace. As you approach your target heart rate the treadmill will
automatically begin to adjust the incline to keep you in your target heart rate range. Pressing the iNCliNe
uP/dOWN keys will cause the target heart rate value to be shown in the heart Rate display and may be used to
modify this value anytime during the workout.
custoM workout ProGraMs
Selecting a Custom Program
1. Press the eNteR Key while in Standby mode.
2. enter your body weight using the SPeed uP/dOWN Keys or the numeric keypad and press the eNteR Key to
3. use the PROgRAmS Key to select a default, or previously entered, custom program. Press StARt to select a
4. you will be prompted to enter in a workout time. enter in your desired workout time using the SPeed uP/dOWN
Keys or numeric keypad and press the eNteR Key to confirm.
5. the upcoming speed and grade will be shown in their respective displays. Press the StARt key to begin your
workout. the time will countdown from your preset time.
the dot-matrix area of the display will show the actual course profile of the selected custom program. the taller the
column, the higher the incline for that interval. the flashing column shows your current interval.
Creating a Custom Program
1. Press the eNteR Key while in Standby mode.
le-X disPlAy ProGrAm overview And setuP