Nautilus NE 1000 Owner'S Manual Download Page 19



So if the Surgeon General's findings are not convincing evidence enough to keep most us exercising on a 
consistent basis, what is?  

Scientists are finding that the process of beginning, increasing and 

ultimately sticking to an exercise program is a combination of two elements:  finding the right 
incentives and building a habit.  And, as we will see, these two motivational factors are connected, 
but distinct.   

Focusing on the positive is one of the best incentives to exercise.  Avoid looking at exercise as a 

way to fix something that's wrong with your body.  Instead, focus on your successes.  Pat yourself on 
the back each time you've made it though a workout.  Thrive on the energy that exercising gives you.  
Reward yourself with a dinner out, after you have reached a certain weight loss goal, or buy yourself a 
new workout outfit.  With these rewards, you'll go back for more, and your body will show results.

Don't view exercise as punishment.  Don't look at exercise as something that has to be tackled 

because you are out of shape.  Think of exercise as an investment in your health, your physical looks and 
your mental outlook.  As you run, walk or lift weights, concentrate on the positive energy being 
generated within your body and the renewed sense of life and wellness you feel.

The basics of any fitness program are planning and setting goals.  Goal setting and formulating a 

plan are the most clear ways of establishing a consistent program of exercise;  they are also a powerful 
form of direction and motivation.  Take some time to think about what will help you begin your exercise 
program.  Write these down in your daily planner or diary.  Goals provide a sense of purpose and incen-
tive that can drive you to your intended destination.  However, for goals to be effective they need to be 
realistic.  Motivation will be strengthened only if it's possible to reach your objectives.

Consider this:  Your mind and body will respond better to exercise if you start with 20-minute 

sessions, three times a week, rather than an hour session four times per week.  Once the sessions 
become a routine, aim for 30 minutes, then increase from there.

The most important thing in any exercise program is to do your best to keep progressing, backslid-

ing as little as possible and getting back on the horse just as fast as possible if you fall off.  Try to 
anticipate lapses:  If a crazy workday looms, get up early and squeeze in a short ride on a stationary 
bicycle so that you've achieved something even if it isn't your regular workout routine.  When on a 
business trip, stay in a hotel that has an onsite workout facility.  
   Exercise is one of life's joys.  It energizes – giving you a sense of well-being and accomplishment and 
keeps you healthy and fit.  There is great pleasure in being able to set goals, accept challenges, and push 
yourself to a better lifestyle of health and fitness.  No matter what your reason for exercising – to lose 
weight, to get fit, or to feel better –- motivating yourself to exercise on a regular basis requires 
changing your behavior.

> Make Exercise A Habit


The key to a successful fitness program is getting your body to do what your mind knows it should.  

Here are six mental strategies to help keep you focused on your fitness goals.

1.  Clarify why you want to exercise.

  If you want to gain strength – is it to swim more laps, or to 

tone-up your body.  By understanding and detailing your goals, you will be better able to stay motivated.

2.  Vary your workout. 

 To make your routine more enjoyable, vary it once in a while.  Supplement your 

indoor cycling with outdoor cycling and strength training.  These activities make exercise more 
interesting and increase your fitness level by making you utilize different muscle groups.

3.  Focus on the positive.

  Avoid looking at your exercise program as a way to fix something that's 

wrong with your body.  Instead focus on your successes. Congratulate yourself after each workout.  
Thrive on the energy that exercising gives you.

Summary of Contents for NE 1000

Page 1: ...Owner s Manual Fitness Handbook NE 1000 2000 3000 ELLIPTICAL TRAINERS ...

Page 2: ...NE 3000 NE 1000 NE 2000 ...

Page 3: ...more fit and healthy body The on boarddigitalcomputerenablesyoutoaccuratelymonitoryourprogressbytracking time distance speed calories per hour watts total calories RPMs and heart rate This Owner s Manual contains all the information you need to operate and enjoy your machine Please read the manual in its entirety before attempting to exercise Let s get started Operation Set Up 1 How to use your el...

Page 4: ...ate for your particular age and condition If you have any pain or tightness inyourchest anirregularheartbeat shortnessofbreath feelfaintorhaveanydiscomfort while you exercise STOP Consult your physician before continuing FITNESS SAFEGUARDS Failure to follow any of these safeguards may result in injury or serious health problems Do not place fingers or any other objects into moving parts of the exe...

Page 5: ...only use your lower body keeping your hands on the horseshoe Then as your legs become fatigued move your hands to the upperbodyarmposition Youwillwanttoexperimentsometofindoutwhat srightforyou Forward and Reverse Motion Yourellipticaltrainerisdesignedtoallowyoutoexerciseinbothaforwardandreverse pedalingmotion Thiswillworkslightlydifferentmusclegroupsaswellasaddingvari etytoyourworkouts Thepedaling...

Page 6: ...r ARROW keys enter your workout goal Example 35 00 Then begin your workout when your workout goal is reached the beeper will sound letting you know your workout is complete Computer Readouts Speed CurrentSpeedatwhichyouarepedalingdisplayedinMPHorKPH Distance Total distance for your current workout RPM Current pedal revolutions per minute Average Speed Your average pedaling speed in MPH or KPM Hear...

Page 7: ...ed Workouts For added workout variety and challenge the 2000 computer has 6 workout courses each specifically designedtohelpyourachievemaximumresultsfrom each workout Your bike offers 20 levels of intensity toaccommodateallfitnesslevelsfromfirsttimeexer ciser to elite athlete 1 Select programs P1 through P6 using the and keys Theprogramhillprofilewillappearinthelarge dot matrix display The higher ...

Page 8: ...onstoallowyoutoinputdataandchangeresistance Ontheleft handcontrolsyouwillfindtheENTERandQUICKSTARTbuttons These buttons operate just the same as the buttons on the console face Simply use your thumb to press keys as desired Fig 4 Quick Start To utilize the Quick Start feature on the computer simply begin pedaling Press the QUICK START button and the computer will begin immediately The default sett...

Page 9: age and weight 3 Your target heart rate will then be displayed This number is 70 of your maximum heart rate Example 220 Age 40 180 180 beats per minute is the approximate maximum heart rate for someone 40 years of age 180 x 70 126 126 beats per minute is the target heart rate that the computer will keep you working at IMPORTANT Theabovenumbersaregeneralfitnessguidelines Youshould consult your p...

Page 10: ...ronments Heart rate If you are using a chest strap transmitter or touch sensors the heart rate feedback function continuously displays your working heart rate in beats per minute Level Displays the current level of resistance or program level If the heart rate is being used the level will display for 3 seconds when changed and then return to the heart rate display Speed The speed feedback function...

Page 11: your elliptical trainer Yourmachnecanbeleveledtocompensateforunevensurfaces To level the machine raise or lower the two leveling bolts locatedontheundersideoftherearstabilizerbyscrewingthem in or out as needed Fig 7 Maintenance Your Nautilus elliptical requires very little routine maintenance Toensureyourmachine sperformanceformanyyearstocomeit is important to keep your machine clean of dirt an...

Page 12: long study of over 350 individuals to examine the effectiveness and compliance of a group of supervised home exercisers versus a group of individuals who reported for a group session at the university The subject populationincludedmiddleagedmenandwomenandincludedfitindividualsaswellasindividualswho were overweight and smoked Individuals in both the high intensity three 40 minute sessions per we...

Page 13: ...with someone find a friend to train with who lives nearby Encouraging your spouse or children to exercise with you is an excellent way to stay motivated and promote family unity Make fitness a part of your daily lifestyle Include it in your daily planner just as you would any other appointment Keep the appointment you ll be glad you did Use affirmations Affirmations will help you program your subc...

Page 14: ...f exercise can be determined by two methods The first is the familiar use of target heart rate The guidelines state that you should aim to work at 60 to 85 percent of your maximum heart rate max HR 220 your age or 50 to 85 percent of your maximal oxygen capacity determined by doing a stress test on a bicycle ergometer or treadmill at a medical facility Duration is dependent upon the intensity of t...

Page 15: ...erydaycaloricbalancewilldeterminewhetheryouwillgainorloseweightfromday to day Caloric balance refers to the difference between the calories you take in from food eaten and caloric expenditure or the amount of energy you put out in daily activities work or exercise Body weight is lost when caloric expenditure exceeds caloric intake or when caloric intake is less thancaloricexpenditure It isaknownph...

Page 16: ...too much but just enough The secret is to know when you are pushing too much or too little Monitoring your heart rate tells you how much to exercise and when to rest Warm up Agoodwarm upwillhelpyouperformbetterandwilldecreasetheachesandpainsmostpeople experience The warm up prepares your muscles for exercise and allows your oxygen supply to ready itself for what s to come Studies show that muscles...

Page 17: ... a stationary bicycle or during a hard session of stair climbing The easiest option is to estimate your maximum heart rate based on a formula which has been well established for reliability take the number 220 and subtract your age For example a 45 year old would have an estimated maximum heart rate of 175 220 45 175 The target heart rate zone for aerobic training would be 105 to 149 beats per min...

Page 18: the same work with less stain Regardlessofyourmaximumaverageheartrateoryourtargetheartrate youshouldconsultwith your physician or with a sports medical expert to establish with precision the rates that are right for you your age and your medical and physical condition This is especially important if you are over the ageof35 beensedentaryforseveralyears overweightorhaveahistoryofheartdiseaseinyo...

Page 19: ...ur objectives Consider this Your mind and body will respond better to exercise if you start with 20 minute sessions three times a week rather than an hour session four times per week Once the sessions become a routine aim for 30 minutes then increase from there Themostimportantthinginanyexerciseprogramistodoyourbesttokeepprogressing backslid ing as little as possible and getting back on the horse ...

Page 20: ...monthestepper anewintensityonthestationarywind loadsimulatororamore rapid stroke rate on the rower By varying your workouts you ll create maximum gains in the shortest time frames As you will see your home fitness equipment will allow you to reach your fitness goals and prepare properly for a healthier lifestyle Anyone who is serious about fitness or for that matter just improvingtheiroverallfitne...

Page 21: Nautilus shall in no event be liable for incidental or consequential losses damages or expenses in connection with its exercise products Nautilus s liabilityhereunderisexpresslylimitedtothereplacementofgoodsnotcomplyingwiththiswarrantyor at Nautilus s election to the repayment of an amount of the purchase price of the exercise product in question Some states do not permit the exclusion or limit...

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Page 24: ...The Nautilus Group 1886 Prairie Way Louisville Colorado 80027 1 888 471 0014 www nautilus com Rev A 2002 ...
