User & Service Manual
Natus Quantum Amplifier
10. Animal Research
10.1. Independent References Mode Versus Common Reference Mode
In the default clinical operating mode, a single “common” reference is used for amplification of all
on of the optional “Independent Reference licence” (PN 019893) enables an individual reference
for each group of 8 inputs. This allows connection and recording of multiple subjects without interference
between each subject which is a typical workflow for Pharmaceutical Companies and Research centers
doing research on animals.
Up to seven (7) channels can be recorded with one (1) reference channel per subject. All subjects should
be connected to a linked ground channel using the 011224 Ground Jumper Cable. By using an individual
reference for each subject, data can be recorded without any interference from the other connected
subjects. If additional referential channels are required per subject, references can be linked, and fewer
subjects can be recorded.
The last 8 inputs on the pinboard cannot be used.
Common Reference
Mode (Clinical)
Independent Reference Mode
(Animal Research)
max # active inputs
max. # subjects
max # active inputs
Quantum 64
49 (7 banks of 7 inputs)
Quantum MAIN
98 (14 banks of 7 inputs)
Quantum MAIN + B
196 (28 banks of 7 inputs)
10.2. Connecting Multiple Subjects to the Quantum or Quantum 64
1. Connect the subject leads as required. Channels are marked with a * in the image below
showing that up to seven (7) subjects can be connected at one time to the pinbox.
2. Ground leads for all subjects should then be linked together using the 011224 Gound Jumper
Cable and plugged into the
input on the pinbox.
3. Ensure each subject has an independent reference electrode in addition to the referential
electrodes and the Ground leads attached in the previous steps. In the image below, ports
marked with
∞ are the reference channels for each channel set.
4. Once all leads are connected to the subjects, ensure the pinbox is attached to the breakout box,
and the study begun in the NeuroWorks software. Refer to the